Author(s) Title

Mousumi Padhi

Padhi, M ( 2023) Paradeep Phosphates Limiteds Story of Inclusive Growth and Harmony - A case Study in Mohapatra, G. ( Ed) 2023 Business Cases in Organization Behaviour and HRM: Perspectives from India


Acharya, P. & Jena, L. K. (2023). Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, India: Employee Engagement Initiatives on the Journey to the Deming Award. In: Gopal Mohapatra (eds) Business Cases in Organisation Behaviour and HRM: Perspectives from India, Springer Publishers,


Satapathy, A., Jena, L.K. & Sahoo, K. (2022). Towards an Empathetic HRM in Industrial Relations: Need of the Hour in Disruptive Times. In: Rajagopal, Behl, R. (eds) Managing Disruptions in Business. Springer Publishers. ISBN: 978-3-030-79708-9 (Scopus Indexed)


Towards an Empathetic HRM in Industrial Relations: Need of the Hour in Disruptive Times. In: Rajagopal, Behl, R. (eds) Managing Disruptions in Business. Springer Publishers. ISBN: 978-3-030-79708-9


Paul, M. & Jena, L.K. (2022). Reflective teaching in the virtual workplace in higher education: The strategy for development of conscious lean educational leadership in India, Business with Conscience, Routledge Publishers, New York. ISBN: 978-0-367-68882-0.


Talent onboarding , in Eds ( M. Mohapatra and S. Dhir) Talent Management : A contemporary perspective, Pages 65-79, Sage, India

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Padhi, M.,, 2021, Talent Management : A contemporary perspective, Sage India

Dr. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

Panda, B.N., 2021, Education in India – Challenges and Prospects, Indian Institute of Public Administration

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

Tania Saritova Rath, 2020, Career Dynamics in a Global world: Indian & Western Perspectives, Edward Elgar Publications; UK

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Kalpana Sahoo, 2020, Skill Development :A Key to Nation Building, Archers &Elevators Publishing House,India

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

T S Rath , 2020, Career dynamics in a global world: Indian and Western perspectives, Edward Elgar Publishing , UK

Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

Subhra Pattnaik, 2019, Methodological Issues in Management Research: Advances, Challenges, and the Way ahead, Emerald Publishers

Lect. Fr. S. Antony Joseph Raj, Sj

S. Antony Raj, 2019, Transition Strategies for Sustainable Community Systems - Design and Systems Perspectives. The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science, vol 26., Springer International Publishing

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Kalpana Sahoo, 2018, Statistical Tools and Analysis in Human Resources Management., IGI Global

Prof. Saveeta Mohanty

Saveeta Mohanty, 2018, Statistical Tools and Analysis in Human Resources Management, IGI Global, USA

Prof. Sanket Sunand Dash

Sanket Sunand Dash, 2018, Statistical Tools and Analysis in Human Resources Management, IGI Global

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Sumita Sindhi , 2018, Strategic Marketing Issues in Emerging Markets , Springer Nature singapore

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhatacharyya, 2018, Statistical Tools and Analysis in Human Resource Management, IGI Global, USA

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhatacharyya, 2018, Statistical Tools and Analysis in Human Resource Management, IGI Global, USA

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, 2017, Edited volume, IGI Global, USA

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

Pradhan, R.K., 2017, Employees and Employers in Service Organizations: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities, Apple Academic Publishers, Taylor and Francis Group, USA.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

Pradhan, R.K., 2017, Employees and Employers in Service Organizations: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities, Apple Academic Publishers, Taylor and Francis Group, USA.

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Kalpana Sahoo, 2017, Adolesence Issues and Challanges, Aaviskar Publisher,India

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Moitryee Paul, 2017, Riding The New Tides Navigating the Future through Effective People Management, emerald publishing,New Delhi,India

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

Jena, L.K., 2016, Emerging Challenges in HR VUCA Perspective, Emerald Publishers, India.

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

Mousumi Padhi, 2016, Values: An Organisational Resource, book_isswov2016.pdf

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2016, Values :An Organization resource, ISSWOV, LA, USA

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, 2016, Effectiveness of Critical Discourse Analysis to solve constrained employment relations: Application-based study on two Indian organizations, IGI, Global, USA

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, 2016, Developing Diversity neutral organizational culture: A study on selected public sector organizations in India, IGI, Global, USA

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Archana Bhagat, 2016, Service Management, Himalaya Publishing House,India

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

Panigrahy, N.P., 2015, Training and Development Strategies, ISTD Bhubaneswar Chapter, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

Jada, M., 2015, 21st Century Management Challenges, Excellent Publishing House, New Delhi, India.

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, 2015, Sustainable Business Transformation through Ambidextrous Practices, IGI Global, USA

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, 2013, `Evidence Based Strategic Human Capital Management: A Study on Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP)' , IGI Global, USA

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, 2013, `Evidence based HR mediated innovative quality management practices: A study on two SMEs of India' has been published as book chapter in `Quality Innovation: Knowledge, Theory and Practices', IGI Global, USA

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Acharya, A. and Padhi, M, 2013, Predictors of ethical behaviour at work place, McGrawHill, India

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Padhi, M., and Pattnaik, S., 2013, Boundary Strategies and Work Family Interface, Excel Books, Delhi

Prof. Suchitra Pal

Prof. Suchitra Pal, 2011, Challenges of 21 Century: A Trans-disciplinary Prospective, , McMillion, New Delhi

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Padhi, M, 2011, Ameliorating acculturative stress in mergers and acquisitions, Macmillan, India

Lect. Fr. S. Antony Joseph Raj, Sj

Walter Fernandes, 1996, Tribes of India: Ongoing Challenges, MD Publication, New Delhi India