Author(s) Title

Pradeep Kumar Mishra

Facilitating the Dance of Democracy: A Case on Leadership and Teamwork


Prateek, G. (2021). From walk to scooty: What does it take to sustain women-led collectives, like KBSSSL?

Dr. Kushankur Dey

Baljeet Singh, 2018, A business incubating unit to sustain technology transfer: Vyas's dilemma, Emerald, United Kingdom

Dr. Kushankur Dey

Ateeque Shaikh, 2016, Patronage distribution and governance in VAPCOL: Girish Sohani's dilemma, SAGE Publications Ltd. USA

Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mishra

Pradeep Mishra, 2016, Sikshasandhan: Funding Challenges and Mission Drift, Singapore: World Scientific

Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Singh

Prof.S.S.Singh, 2015, Desirable and Achievable - Women Empowement Process among depressed group in the district of Koraput, Odisha, MISEREOR

Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Singh

Prof.S.S.Singh, 2015, Empowering Women in the District of Nawarangpur, Odisha, MISEREOR


Pradeep Mishra, 2009, ARAVALI, Vikalpa, India

Prof. Niraj Kumar

Kumar, niraj, 1998, Lone Crusader, Down to Earth