Name(s) Title Venue/Organization

Sanjay Bhattacharya

Won Best Doctoral Dissertation Award at International Conference on Disruptive Human Resource management: people, Technology and Strategy.

IIMT and Indian Society for Training and Development - Bhubaneswar Chapter

Suchitra Pal

Dual earner Couples Childrens after School Stress in India. Whose responsibility, is it?

AGBAs and IIM Rohtak


Are you free!! Romance of the illusionary work-life integration and factual autonomy”, on Aug 2022, 82nd annual meeting of Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Academy of Management


Intervene to integrate: Policy interventions for work-family integration in Indian context”, on Aug 2022, 82nd annual meeting of Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Academy of Management


Expounding public relations campaign outcomes and its effectiveness: A review on research trends in public relations evaluation from 2010 to 2020” on June 2022: 12th conference on excellence in research and education, IIM Indore.

IIM Indore


17th International Conference of the Academy of Global Business Research and Practice (AGBRP)

Academy of Global Business Research and Practice

Subhra Pattnaik

Redefining Total Rewards and Performance Standards In The Hybrid Work World

Academy of Global Business Research and Practise (AGBRP)

Subhra Pattnaik

Challenges faced by Indian Women while working from home during Covid-19 lockdown

Academy of Global Business Research and Practise (AGBRP)


International Symposium on Regenerative Ecosystems

International Symposium on Regenerative Ecosystems XIM University,IC Centre 29th and 30th November,2022


Work values at the confluence of Five generations in the workplace ISSWOV, Brasov, Romania, Sept11-14,2022



Are you free! Romance between perceivable work and life integration and factual autonomy.

Academy of Management


Eastern Academy of Management International (EAMI) 2022, Lyon, France, 7-11 June 2022: Work-Family Conflict While Working Remotely During Covid-19 Lockdown: A Phenomenological Study on Working Indian Mothers

Jointly hosted by Emlyon and ESDES Business Schools, Lyon, France


Eastern Academy of management - International

Em-Lyon Business School

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

(2022) Work Family Imbalance: The Challenges of Indian Working Mothers during Covid-19 Lockdown/ICMM-2022 (International Conference on Management of MSMEs,

IIM Amrisar


IIM Amritsar Conference, 22-23 Jan 2022: Work Family Imbalance: The Challenges of Indian Working Mothers during Covid-19 Lockdown

IIM Amritsar

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath


IIM, Amritsar


The Mediating Role of Needs Satisfaction on theRelationship between Total Rewards Satisfaction and Retention: A Sustainable Employee Retention Model

7th Biennial INDAM Conference 2022 (7th to 9th January 2022) IIM Rohtak

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Neuro - Experimentations in Emotive Continuum, International Conference on Academic Research and Innovation in Management, IT, Social Science and Education) ICARI),,

Srinivas University, Mangaluru


INDAM 2022, IIM Rohtak, 7-9 Jan 2022: The Moderating Role of Organizational Identification in Justice-Performance Relationship in Indian Public Sector Units

IIM Rohtak

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

The Mediating Role of Needs Satisfaction on the Relationship between Total Rewards Satisfaction and Retention: A Sustainable Employee Retention Model,


Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2021, Contentment Quotient In Work - Family Fortification, National Level Virtual-Conference, Mental Health In An Unequal World Challenges In Social Sciences, Management, Information Science, Education,

Srinivas University, Mangaluru, India

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2022, Building Strong Employer brand via Ewom in the New Normal./ Triple Bottom Line Developing Business Resilience, Ecological Sustainability and Social Well-being in Post- Pandemic World,


Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2022, Magnitude of Migrant Labour Crisis in India and the rise of Neo-colonial capitalists during Covid-19: A Failure of MSME’s? Impact and Policy Suggestion/1st International Conference on Management of MSMEs (ICMM 2022),

IIM Amrisar

Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

ISEC 2021, University college London, London, United Kingdom (3-5 August 2021): Gender, Duty, and Unequal Balances During the Pandemic: An Ethnographic View of Indian Management Education

University College London

Prof. Suchitra Pal

2021, 42nd international Conference of the Stress Trauma, Anxiety and Resilience society (STAR),

University of Haifa

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2021, ISSWOV 2021 Virtual Conference, 28 th June 2021,


Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2021, ISSWOV 2021 Virtual Conference,


Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2021, Introducing storytelling in B School teaching,

RIM, Bengaluru

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2021, Designing Better Courses: Blending the Best of Pre- and Post-Pandemic Pedagogy",

HBP Education

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2021, Resource Person International Faculty Development Program,

St. Claret College, Bangalore

Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

Covid-19’s Clarion Call for a Paradigmatic Shift towards Compassionate Total Rewards

jointly organized by IMI Bhubaneswar and EGADE Business School Mexico

Prof. Subhra Pattnaik


Xavier School of Human Settlement

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2020, HR in Uncertain Times: The Change and The Challenges,


Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2020, Has COVID-19 impelled remote working while augmenting neo-digital economy? Digitally investigating the promoters and effects of remote working,

Indian Institute of Management, Naya Raipur

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2020, Has COVID-19 impelled remote working while augmenting neo-digital economy? Digitally investigating the promoters and effects of remote working,

Indian Institute of Management, Naya Raipur

Dr. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2020, Towards Meaningful Work: The Moderating Effects of Organization-based Self-Esteem and Relational Identification,

6th Biennial INDAM 2020 Conference, IIM, Trichy.

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2020, Amplifying Engagement: Energizing Students in Large Online Classrooms,

Harvard Business Publishing


2020, Leadership challenges of managing Millennial and Post-millennial workforce: An exploratory study in Indian context. ,

K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management

Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

2020, INDAM 2020, IIM Trichy,

IIM Trichy

Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

2020, International Conference on Global Trends in Business Practices and Management Education,

Birla Global University and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2020, Learning2020 conference,

Learning Guild

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2020, Multi-level Issues in Assessment Centres in Indian Context/International Conference: Global trends in business practices and management education,

Birla Global University and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2020, “Global Business Environment” (GBE) International Conference on “Disruption in Business and Management Practices: Causes, Conflicts, and Control”,

IMI Bhubaneswar – EGADE Business School, Mexico City

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2020, “Global Business Environment” (GBE) International Conference on “Disruption in Business and Management Practices: Causes, Conflicts, and Control”,

IMI Bhubaneswar – EGADE Business School, Mexico City

Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

2020, ICGWS 2020: International Conference on Gender and Women Studies,

International Scientific Committee

Dr. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2020, Towards an Empathetic HRM in Industrial Relations: Need of the Hour in Disruptive Times,

International Management Institute (IMI), Bhubaneswar

Dr. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2020, Has COVID-19 impelled remote working while augmenting neo-digital economy? An empirical investigation of the promoters and consequences of remote working,

3rd ICDE and 4th ISDSI Annual Conference 2020, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Raipur

Fr. Kiran Cotha, S.J.

2020, The Jesuit style of education and its implication on faculty members commitment: an exploratory study,

International Academy of Business and Economics

Prof. Suchitra Pal

2020, HRM and agile workplace,

IIM Raipur

Fr. Kiran Cotha, S.J.

2020, Leadership in Times of Crisis,


Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

2020, People Matters Tech HR Conference 2020,

People Matters

Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

2020, “Reimagining Human Resources: Pandemic and Beyond”,


Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

2020, People Matters EX Conference 2020,

People Matters

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2020, Work Standards in a Changing Economy : A case study of India INDAM 2020,

IIM Tiruchirapalli

Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

2019, International Conference on Organizational Metamorphisis for Inovotation,Inclusion and Agility,

Xavier School of Human Resource Management

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2019, A Study of Personal Values to Understand Career Choices of Indian Gen Y Business students',


Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

2019, IAJBS 2019,


Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2019, “Job Seeking & Happiness Seeking: The Study Across Generation,

Xavier University

Prof. Sadhna Dash

2019, 'The ordinary magic of extraordinary women: The meta construct of Career Resilience for Women Professionals'; At TRANSCENDENCE 2019 - the 3rd International Conference on 'The Future of Work and Organizational Development',

TISS Mumbai

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2019, Organizational metamorphosis for Innovation, Inclusion and Agility,

Xavier School of HRM, Xavier University Bhubaneswar

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2019, organizational Metamorphisis for inovotation,inclusion and agility,


Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2019, organizational Metamorphisis for inovotation,inclusion and agility,


Fr. Kiran Cotha, S.J.

2019, International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS),

Xavier University

Fr. Kiran Cotha, S.J.

2019, Inclusive Work Organizations Needs, Trends and Possibilities,

Sona School of Mnangement

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2019, Innovate and Flourish 25 th Annual IAJBS World Forum,,

Xavier University

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

2019, 61st Labour Economics Conference,

Indian Society of Labour Economics

Dr. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2019, HR Leadership Summit, 2019,

Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC)


2018, Perceived Benefit of XMOOCs in Knowledge Enhancement and Impact on Career Development: A Mixed-Method Study,

Zhejiang University

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2018, HR Symposium 2018,

Xavier School of HRM

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2018, GWO Conference 2018,

Gender,Work and Organization and Macquerie University

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2018, The Hijras of Odisha: A Study of the Self-Identity of the Eunuchs and Their Identification with Stereotypical Feminine Roles/ICBSGI 2018: 20th International Conference on Bioethics, Sexuality, and Gen,

World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2018, ‘Career Progression and Work Experiences of Urban Indian Women’/018 Gender, Work and Organisation 10th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference,

Macquarie University , Sydney

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2018, School Psychology:Boarden the Horizon,

Andhra University

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2018, International conference on changing nature of careers,

XLRI, Jamshedpur

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2018, International Conference on the Changing Nature of Careers: Implications for a sustainable world,

XLRI Jamshedpur

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2018, Understanding feminist solidarity at the grassroots in India - a study of self help groups in the Khordha District of Odisha' / ,

Macquarie Univerity Australia, Gender Work and Organization

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

2018, Managerial Decision Making with deeply held values and beliefs: A critique of evidence based management ,

Prague Conference on Behavioral Sciences 2018, CEVRO Institute,Prague

Fr. Kiran Cotha, S.J.

2018, Doctoral Conference,

Xavier University

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

2018, 7th Workshop on Talent Management,


Prof. Suchitra Pal

2018, 16th International Conference on Clean Energy,

ERC of Eastern Medirerranean University

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

2017, HRM: Changing Paradigms, Perspectives and Practices for the 21st Century,

Rourkela Institute of Management Studies

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2017, International Conference on Assessment Centers and Talent Management in Emerging Markets: Lessons from Global Practice,

XLRI Jamshedpur

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2017, Theoretical Necessity for Rethinking knowledge in Knowledge Management, 5th Biennial INDAM Conference 2017,

IIM Indore

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2017, Employment Relations in ITES/BPO Industry: Looking Backward and Moving Forward,


Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2017, Rethinking People Management,


Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2017, International Conference on Assessment Centres and Talent Management being held at .,

XLRI Jamshedpur

Fr. Kiran Cotha, S.J.

2017, Anti-consumption of Brands which leads to sustainable development,

St. Aloysius College, Mnagalore

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2017, Corporate Social Responsibility,

Abu Dhabi ,UAE

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2017, Corporate Social Responsibility,

Abu Dhabi ,UAE

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2017, Does Meaningful work explains the relationship between Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior,

Indian Academy of Management, IIM Indore, India.

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2017, A Study of Work place Bullying of Women Employees in Public Sector Banks in India,

Edge Hill University and Board of Crtical Management Studies

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2017, Resiliency in Women: A Positive Strategy to Manage Work Adversity ,


Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2017, Creating an Inspired Workforce: Fostering Positive Emotions in the Workplace,

Rethinking People Management, XIMB

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2017, 10th International Critical Management Studies Conference2017,

Edgehill University, Liverpool, UK,

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2017, 5th National HRD Network HR Summit on HR the New Wave,


Prof. Suchitra Pal

2017, Diversity and Inclusion at work Place,

IIT, Kharagpur

Prof. Suchitra Pal

2017, Job roles and challenges in Nursing professions,

BIMTEK, Bhubaneswar

Prof. Suchitra Pal

2017, Antecedents and consequences of work-family enrichment: A literature review,

IIT, Kharagpur

Prof. Sanket Sunand Dash


Xavier University

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2017, HR Symposium 2017,

Xavier School of Human Resource Management

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2017, Gender and Management: Issues & Challenges paper titled Resiliency in Women: A Positive Strategy to Manage Work Adversity ,

BIMTECH Bhubaneswar

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2017, National Conference Good Governance: Then Now and Beyond.Workplace Spirituality and Corporate Governance ,


Fr. Kiran Cotha, S.J.

2017, JEA SA Triennial - Our Mission Our Schools,

Xavier University

Fr. Kiran Cotha, S.J.

2017, Rethinking People Management,

National HRD Network

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

2016, Revisiting the Viable Systems Model in the context of two Indian organizations,


Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

2016, National Seminar on Human Resource Management to Human Capital Management: A Paradigm Shift ,

Utkal University

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2016, ISSWOV 2016,

FUMEC Universidade

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

2016, ISSWOV 2016,

FUMEC Universidade

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2016, Poster Presentation: An empirical examination of Citizenship Behavior mediating between Self-efficacy and Workplace well-being in Indian Manufacturing Organisation,

IIM Ahmedabad, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2016, Resilience as a moderator between Self-efficacy and Workplace well-being among Indian Manufacturing Executives,

IIT, Madras, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2016, Does Sustainability practices buffer the impact of Self-efficacy on Organisational Citizenship Behavior: Conceptual and Statistical Considerations,

IIT, Madras, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2016, Self-efficacy and Workplace well-being: Understanding the role of Resilience in Manufacturing Organizations,

Abu Dhabhi University, U.A.E.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2016, Workplace Spirituality, Organisational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: A Study,

Academy of Management Conference

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2016, Psychological Capital and Organisational Citizenship Behavior: Role of Emotional Intelligence in Indian Industries,

International Congress of Psychology

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2016, Spiritualism: -A Tool for Sustainabile Development,

NCCDS Conflict Resolution and Sustainable Development organized by NCCDS

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2016, Human Resource Management to Human Capital Management:A Paradigm Shift Title of the paper:The Role of Workplace Spirituality in Talent Management,

Utkal University,PMIR Deaprtment

Prof. Suchitra Pal

2016, Predictors of Job satisfaction and Job stress among Indian and Norwehgian Nurses,

Asian Institute of techonology, Bangkok, Thailand

Prof. Suchitra Pal

2016, Work and family Interface,

BIMTEK, Bhubaneswar

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2016, A Study of Personal values of Indian Gen Y Business Students ,


Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2016, A Model Organisation For Career Progression Of Women Bank Managers: A Qualitative Approach ,

IHRM 2016,Royal Roads University, Victoria B C, Canada

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath

2015, Title: International Conference on Organisation and Management , Theme: Innovative Management Practices: Challenges & Opportunities in the 21st Century,

Abudhabi University, Asia Academy of management

Dr. Sasmit Patra

2015, The 2015 International Business and Education Conferences,

The Clute Institute

Dr. Sasmit Patra

2015, Business Anthropology in India and its impact on Human Resources,

The 2015 International Business and Education Conferences, The Clute Institute

Dr. Sasmit Patra

2015, Understanding Indian Culture and Behaviour: Implications for MNE's entering India,

The 2015 International Business and Education Conferences, The Clute Institute

Dr. Sasmit Patra

2015, 3-Continent Global Management programme: Globalizing Indian Business Education,

The 2015 International Business and Education Conferences, The Clute Institute

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

2015, Recontextualizing Talent Development: A study on two Indian organizations with British and Dutch origin, submitted in the 9th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network,

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2015, The Psychological Antecedents of CSR : An Application of Self Determination and Social Influence Theories,

Utkal University

Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

2015, A study on the Effect of Performance Management on Employee s’ Job Performance: An Empirical study of RSP,

NIT Rourkela

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction: The role of P-O fit in Indian Manufacturing Organizations,

IIM Indore, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Meaningful Work, Job Embebdedness and Psychological Wellbeing: An exploratory empirical assessment among Indian IT Professionals,

IIT Roorkee, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Role of Psychological Contract between Organisational Commitment and Employee Retention: Findings from Indian Manufacturing Industries,

Abu Dhabhi University, UAE.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Employee Engagement and Citizenship Behavior: The mediating role of Organizational Commitment,

IIM Raipur, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Emotional intelligence, Diversity and Organizational performance: Linkages and theoretical approaches for an emerging field,

O P Jindal School of Business, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Transformational Leadership and Spirituality at Workplace: Creating the proposition of win-win,

GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Workplace Spirituality: Enhancing Employee’s Emotional and Moral competencies for Better Performance,

Ravenshaw Business School, Cuttack, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Effect of Work-life Balance on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Role of Organizational Commitment,

International Management Institute (IMI), Bhubaneswar, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Enhancing Performance through Spirituality at Workplace and Citizenship Behaviour: A review,

Indian Academy of Applied Psychology

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2015, Dynamics of Workplace Spirituality & Organizational Commitment: The role of Emotional Intelligence,

KIIT School of Management, Bhubaneswar, India.

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, 2015, Sustainable Business Through Human Resource Management Practices: A study on two century old family-managed organizations in India, 4th Asian Management Research Case Conference (AMRC), 2015. Presented in USM, Penang, Malaysia with joint participation of IIM, Bangalore, and University of Lahore

USM, Penang, Malaysia with joint participation of IIM, Bangalore, and University of Lahore

Prof. Tania Saritova Rath



Prof. Tania Saritova Rath



Prof. Tania Saritova Rath



Prof. Tania Saritova Rath



Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2015, Make in India Initiatives and Changing Paradigms of Industrial Relations ,


Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi , 2015, Round Table on Towards Creating High Performance Organization: New Trends ,


Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2014, Effect of Workplace Spirituality towards Human Capital Formation: A conceptual review,

Berhampur University, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2014, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Workplace Spirituality: Causative Dimension of Human Relations from Developmental Perspective,

Dept. of PM & IR, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2014, Workplace spirituality and Employee engagement: Some empirical findings,

Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2014, Introspection on Relationship Management through Social Awareness: Exploratory Study in Indian PSUs,

University Business School, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India.

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2014, Multidimensional Leadership & Workplace Spirituality: Fostering the culture of Sustainable Development,

F M University, Balasore, India.

Dr. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, 2014, Solving constrained employment relations through critical discourse analysis – Application based study on two organizations, 11th annual “Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management” workshop, Paris-Dauphine DRM University, Paris, France.

11th annual “Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management” workshop,

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2014, Impact of Spirituality, Religiosity and Method of Compensation on Ethical Behaviour of Employees,

at Global Conference on Managing in Recovering Market

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2014, Impact on employee performance: Role of ethical behaviour and its three predictors,

Prof. Suchitra Pal

Prof. Suchitra Pal, 2013, Cultural factors in the Predictors of Job Stress and Job satisfaction among Indian and Norwegian Nurses,

University of Sydney

Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

2013, Spirituality & Productivity: Is there any Relationships? Emancipation through Karma Yoga,

Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, India.

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2013, Role of Congruence in Work Family Interfac,

10th AIMS International

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2013, The Role of Cognitive Appraisal in Work Family Experiences of Indian IT Employees,

3rd Indian Academy of Management conference 2013

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2012, Role of Integration-Segmentation in Work Family Conflict and Enrichment.,

International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values

Dr. Arup Roy Chowdhury

2011, The interrelationship between Incentive as Compensation Strategy, Organisational Climate & Firms’ Operating Performance: An Empirical study,

18th Biennial IERA Conference convened by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2011, Resource Perspective to Role of Integration-Segmentation on Work Family Enrichment and Conflict: A Proposed Study,

4th Doctoral Colloquium

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2011, The Myth of the One-Size-Fits-All Strategy: Encouraging Diversity in Work Life Balance Policies.,

National Conference on Management of Workforce diversity: Canadian and Indian perspectives

Dr. Arup Roy Chowdhury

2010, Application of Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence and Intuitive Intelligence framework for revitalizing Employee Momemtum at Shopfloor thereby impacting Firms’ performance: An Empirical St,

11th International Human Resource Management Conference during 9th-12th June 2010, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2010, Delineating Critical Parameters of Work Family linkage,

Excellence in Research and Education Conference ′10,

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2010, Reconceptualizing Antecedents and Consequences of Work Family Conflict in the Indian Context,

Annual Meeting of Southern Management Association 2010

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2010, Work Family Harmony for Sustainable Employee Well-being,

International Conference 2010 on Sustainability: Management and Beyond,

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2010, CSR and Corporate Image Resurrection: A Case of Odisha.,

International Conference on Culture Demography and Marketing

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2010, Ameliorating acculturative stress in mergers and acquisitions,

International Conference on Culture Demography and Marketing

Prof. Suchitra Pal

2010, 5) Leadership capability in the senior Irish civil service: An Investigation of self-other rating congruence. Irish Academy of Management conference 2010,

University of CORK, Ireland

Dr. Arup Roy Chowdhury

2009, “Sustaining Employee Momemtum in Turbulent times: Transformation through People at Work,

Indian Academy of Management Conference during 28th-30th December 2009, XLRI, Jamshedpur

Dr. Arup Roy Chowdhury

2009, Revitalizing Employee Momemtum at Shopfloor: Transformation through People for People,

HR Research Conference, ICFAI- IBS, Hyderabad

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2009, Identifying the Critical Predictors of Extra-organizational Life in the Indian Service Sector.,

Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR) 2009

Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Mousumi Padhi, 2008, Changing Indian Corporate HR Practices in Response to Increasing Competition at the 3rd Conference on Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporate, I,