Name(s) | Title | Venue/Organization | |
Tathagata Chatterji |
Chatterji, T. (2024, March 25-28). Multilevel Governance and Smart City Finance – A Review of India’s Urban Digitalization Strategy, 8th International Urban E Planning Conference, Lisbon, Portugal (Online) |
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Shraddha Kumar |
Sahoo. B., Kumar. S. (2024) Jodhpurs Rising Tide: A Paradoxical Threat to a Scarce Resource. 8th Annual Research on Cities Summit, ARCS, 2024, on 8th - 10th February 2024, Bhubaneswar DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10599497 |
SHS, XIM University |
Shraddha Kumar |
Das. S., Mazumdar. J., Kumar. S. (2024) Assessing the Spatio-Temporal Variability in Land Use and Its Impact on Land Surface Temperature Using Geospatial Techniques. 8th Annual Research on Cities Summit, ARCS, 2024, on 8th - 10th February 2024, Bhubaneswar DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10599497 |
SHS, XIM University |
Shraddha Kumar |
Kumar. S. (2024) A literature Review on Quality of Public Spaces. 8th Annual Research on Cities Summit, ARCS, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10599497 |
SHS, XIM University |
Nalin Ranjan |
Ranjan, N. (2024, January 5-7). A review of municipal solid waste management in Urban India [Conference Proceedings]. 72nd National Town & Country Planners(NTCP) Conference of ITPI 2024, Lucknow, India |
Institute of town planners India |
Nalin Ranjan |
Ranjan, N. (2023, December 1-2). Implementing of circular economy through multilevel governance in India [Conference Proceedings]. International Conference on Regenerative Ecosystems 2023, IIM Raipur, India |
Indian Institute of Management, Raipur |
Shraddha Kumar |
Misra. S., Kumar.S. (2023) Governance Ecosystem for Urban Green Infrastructure. International Conference on Regenerative Ecosystem, ICRE, 2023, on 1st - 2nd December 2023, Raipur |
IIM Raipur |
Tathagata Chatterji |
Chatterji T, Chatterjee A, and Patro B, (2023, Aug 16-18), Building State Capacity for Participatory Slum Upgrading through Collaborative Governance - Experience from Odisha, India, 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Cities, Durban, South Africa (on-line) |
University of KwaZulu Natal |
Chatterji, T (2023, March 27-29). Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Indian Smart Cities – A Case Study of Bhubaneswar, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal (online) |
University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Chatterji, T (2023, Feb 24-26) Planning and Development of Smart Bhubaneswar, 71st National Town and Country Planning Congress, Institute of Town Planners India, Bhubaneswar - Key Speaker |
Institute of Town Planners India |
Shraddha Kumar |
Kumar.S., Misra. K.,(2022) Governance Ecosystem for Urban Green Infrastructure. International Conference on Regenerative Ecosystem, ICRE, 2022, on 29th - 30th November 2022, Bhubaneswar |
XIM University |
Shraddha Kumar |
Kumar.S.,(2022) Reviewing the definitions of Public Spaces in developing nations.5th World Planning Schools Congress, 16th Asian Planning Schools Association Congress, 30th September,2022,Bali, Indonesia |
The Indonesian Planning Schools Association |
Chatterji, T (2022, 29 Aug - 2 Sep) Participatory Slum Upgrading and Governance Innovations – A Case Study of Jaga Mission of Odisha, India, 5th World Planning School Conference, Bali, Indonesia |
Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN) and Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) |
Chatterji, T (2022, July 18-22), Achieving urban sustainability goals through national data platforms: A review of India’s National Urban Digital Mission, UGI - IGU Centennial Congress, Paris |
International Geographical Union |
Chatterji, T and Tripathi, D (2022, July 18-22) Urban Disaster Governance through Community Engagement – Role of Self-Help Groups in Covid Crisis in Odisha, India, UGI - IGU Centennial Congress, Paris, France |
International Geographical Union |
Prof. Tathagata Chatterji |
Chatterji, T, (2022, April 7-12) Urban Governance and Data Platforms – A review of India’s National Urban Digital Mission, 6th International Conference Urban E-Planning, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal |
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Prof. Tathagata Chatterji |
Chatterji, T, (2022, January 18-19), Small Water-bodies in Peri-urban Bhubaneswar and their Governance Challenges, Conference on Transforming Peri-urban Futures, Bhopal |
SPA Bhopal, TU Delft, University of Cologne, SaciWaters |
Prof. Jublee Mazumdar |
, 2022, Ganguly, D. & Mazumdar, J. 2022. Assessment of Urban Flooding induced disaster – Case Study of a Kolkata municipal ward. 6th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS), Urban Green Transition: Decoding Opportunities and Challenges, |
XIM University Bhubaneswar |
Prof. Jublee Mazumdar |
, 2022, Rout, A. & Mazumdar, J. 2022. Implications of Drink from Tap Mission for Future Urban Water Projects: Lessons from Puri, Odisha. 6th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS), Urban Green Transition: Decoding Opportunities and Challenges , |
XIM University Bhubaneswar |
Prof. Tathagata Chatterji |
Chatterji, T. (2021, Sep 7-10), Special Purpose Vehicles and New Forms of Smart City Governance in India, 5th International Conference Urban E-Planning, University of Lisbon, Lisbon |
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Prof. Tathagata Chatterji |
Chatterji, T., (2021, April 7-11), Local Governance and Pandemic - Comparison of Covid Response of Two Indian Cities, Conference on Local Governance and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers 2021, Seattle (online), USA |
IGU Commission on Geography of Governance and American Association of Geographers |
Prof. Nalin Ranjan |
, 2021, Future of waste to energy in India, |
Xavier University |
Prof. Jublee Mazumdar |
, 2021, Yuvaraj S., Mandal S.,& Mazumdar J., (2021) Evaluating the vulnerability of coastal SMART cities using Rainfall trend analysis. 5th International Conference URBAN E-PLANNING Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal, |
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Prof. Jublee Mazumdar |
, 2021, Mazumdar J. (2021) Measuring urban resilience in the coastal SMART cities of India. 5th International Conference URBAN E-PLANNING Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, |
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Prof. Jublee Mazumdar |
, 2021, Ojha, K. & Mazumdar, J. 2021. Assessing the existing urban flooding risk in the Smart city of Bhubaneswar. 5th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS), Xavier School of Human Settlements, Xavier University Bhubaneswar, |
Xavier University Bhubaneswar |
Prof. Annam Sai Kiran |
, 2021, Insights from India: Public Perception towards Travel and COVID-19 Preventive Measures, |
100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board |
Prof. Prashant Prasad |
, 2020, Parents’ perception towards improvements of school transportation, |
Prof. Jublee Mazumdar |
, 2020, Mazumdar, J. (2020) Determining the physical vulnerability to cyclones using intelligent and spatial techniques. 4th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS), Xavier School of Human Settlements, Xavier University Bhubaneswar; February 2020, |
Xavier School of Human Settlements, Xavier University Bhubaneswar |
Prof. Annam Sai Kiran |
Dandapat, S., Bhattacharyya, K., Annam, S. K., Saysardar, K., & Maitra, B. (2020). Policy interventions for COVID 19 and their impact on activity and travel in India: Present trends and future implications. Available at SSRN 3692901. |
International e-Conference on Pandemics and Transport Policy |
Prof. Prashant Prasad |
, 2019, Perception of parents towards willingness-to-pay for improved service of shared modes for school transportation in Urban India, |
WCTRS & IIT Bombay |
Paul A and Sen J (2018). “Livability Cluster Development for Assessing Regional Competitiveness- a Case of Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA),” in Spatial Systems: Social Integration, Regional Development, and Sustainability, 12th World Congress of the RSAI, 2018, pp. 1308–1314 |
12th World Congress organized by the Regional Science Association International |
Arpan Paul |
Paul A, Banerjee A, and Sen A (2017). “A policy development framework for inclusive communities to achieve the desired livability,” in Joint Conference ISOCARP-OAPA: Smart Communities. Portland, USA: ISOCARP, pp. 258–269. |
International Society of City and Regional Planners |
Prof. Tathagata Chatterji |
Chatterji, T., (2017, October 12-14), Strengthening Rural-Urban Linkages through District Planning Framework in India, Asian Planning Schools Conference,Tsinghua University, Beijing |
Asian Planning Schools Conference |
Prof. Tathagata Chatterji |
, 2016, Participatory Planning in the Age of Smart Cities in India, |
International Society of City and Regional Planners |
Prof. Tathagata Chatterji |
Chatterji, T, (2015, November 19-21), Work or Walk? Road Space and Regime Politics in Kolkata, DAKAM Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center, Istanbul |
DAKAM Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center |