Name(s) Title Venue/Organization

Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T. (2024, March 25-28). Multilevel Governance and Smart City Finance – A Review of India’s Urban Digitalization Strategy, 8th International Urban E Planning Conference, Lisbon, Portugal (Online)

Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning University of Lisbon, Portugal

Shraddha Kumar

Sahoo. B., Kumar. S. (2024) Jodhpurs Rising Tide: A Paradoxical Threat to a Scarce Resource. 8th Annual Research on Cities Summit, ARCS, 2024, on 8th - 10th February 2024, Bhubaneswar DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10599497

SHS, XIM University

Shraddha Kumar

Das. S., Mazumdar. J., Kumar. S. (2024) Assessing the Spatio-Temporal Variability in Land Use and Its Impact on Land Surface Temperature Using Geospatial Techniques. 8th Annual Research on Cities Summit, ARCS, 2024, on 8th - 10th February 2024, Bhubaneswar DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10599497

SHS, XIM University

Shraddha Kumar

Kumar. S. (2024) A literature Review on Quality of Public Spaces. 8th Annual Research on Cities Summit, ARCS, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10599497

SHS, XIM University

Nalin Ranjan

Ranjan, N. (2024, January 5-7). A review of municipal solid waste management in Urban India [Conference Proceedings]. 72nd National Town & Country Planners(NTCP) Conference of ITPI 2024, Lucknow, India

Institute of town planners India

Nalin Ranjan

Ranjan, N. (2023, December 1-2). Implementing of circular economy through multilevel governance in India [Conference Proceedings]. International Conference on Regenerative Ecosystems 2023, IIM Raipur, India

Indian Institute of Management, Raipur

Shraddha Kumar

Misra. S., Kumar.S. (2023) Governance Ecosystem for Urban Green Infrastructure. International Conference on Regenerative Ecosystem, ICRE, 2023, on 1st - 2nd December 2023, Raipur

IIM Raipur

Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji T, Chatterjee A, and Patro B, (2023, Aug 16-18), Building State Capacity for Participatory Slum Upgrading through Collaborative Governance - Experience from Odisha, India, 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Cities, Durban, South Africa (on-line)

University of KwaZulu Natal


Chatterji, T (2023, March 27-29). Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Indian Smart Cities – A Case Study of Bhubaneswar, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal (online)

University of Lisbon, Portugal


Chatterji, T (2023, Feb 24-26) Planning and Development of Smart Bhubaneswar, 71st National Town and Country Planning Congress, Institute of Town Planners India, Bhubaneswar - Key Speaker

Institute of Town Planners India

Shraddha Kumar

Kumar.S., Misra. K.,(2022) Governance Ecosystem for Urban Green Infrastructure. International Conference on Regenerative Ecosystem, ICRE, 2022, on 29th - 30th November 2022, Bhubaneswar

XIM University

Shraddha Kumar

Kumar.S.,(2022) Reviewing the definitions of Public Spaces in developing nations.5th World Planning Schools Congress, 16th Asian Planning Schools Association Congress, 30th September,2022,Bali, Indonesia

The Indonesian Planning Schools Association


Chatterji, T (2022, 29 Aug - 2 Sep) Participatory Slum Upgrading and Governance Innovations – A Case Study of Jaga Mission of Odisha, India, 5th World Planning School Conference, Bali, Indonesia

Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN) and Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA)


Chatterji, T (2022, July 18-22), Achieving urban sustainability goals through national data platforms: A review of India’s National Urban Digital Mission, UGI - IGU Centennial Congress, Paris

International Geographical Union


Chatterji, T and Tripathi, D (2022, July 18-22) Urban Disaster Governance through Community Engagement – Role of Self-Help Groups in Covid Crisis in Odisha, India, UGI - IGU Centennial Congress, Paris, France

International Geographical Union

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T, (2022, April 7-12) Urban Governance and Data Platforms – A review of India’s National Urban Digital Mission, 6th International Conference Urban E-Planning, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T, (2022, January 18-19), Small Water-bodies in Peri-urban Bhubaneswar and their Governance Challenges, Conference on Transforming Peri-urban Futures, Bhopal

SPA Bhopal, TU Delft, University of Cologne, SaciWaters

Prof. Jublee Mazumdar

, 2022, Ganguly, D. & Mazumdar, J. 2022. Assessment of Urban Flooding induced disaster – Case Study of a Kolkata municipal ward. 6th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS), Urban Green Transition: Decoding Opportunities and Challenges,

XIM University Bhubaneswar

Prof. Jublee Mazumdar

, 2022, Rout, A. & Mazumdar, J. 2022. Implications of Drink from Tap Mission for Future Urban Water Projects: Lessons from Puri, Odisha. 6th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS), Urban Green Transition: Decoding Opportunities and Challenges ,

XIM University Bhubaneswar

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T. (2021, Sep 7-10), Special Purpose Vehicles and New Forms of Smart City Governance in India, 5th International Conference Urban E-Planning, University of Lisbon, Lisbon

Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T., (2021, April 7-11), Local Governance and Pandemic - Comparison of Covid Response of Two Indian Cities, Conference on Local Governance and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers 2021, Seattle (online), USA

IGU Commission on Geography of Governance and American Association of Geographers

Prof. Nalin Ranjan

, 2021, Future of waste to energy in India,

Xavier University

Prof. Jublee Mazumdar

, 2021, Yuvaraj S., Mandal S.,& Mazumdar J., (2021) Evaluating the vulnerability of coastal SMART cities using Rainfall trend analysis. 5th International Conference URBAN E-PLANNING Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal,

Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. Jublee Mazumdar

, 2021, Mazumdar J. (2021) Measuring urban resilience in the coastal SMART cities of India. 5th International Conference URBAN E-PLANNING Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon,

Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. Jublee Mazumdar

, 2021, Ojha, K. & Mazumdar, J. 2021. Assessing the existing urban flooding risk in the Smart city of Bhubaneswar. 5th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS), Xavier School of Human Settlements, Xavier University Bhubaneswar,

Xavier University Bhubaneswar

Prof. Annam Sai Kiran

, 2021, Insights from India: Public Perception towards Travel and COVID-19 Preventive Measures,

100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board

Prof. Prashant Prasad

, 2020, Parents’ perception towards improvements of school transportation,


Prof. Jublee Mazumdar

, 2020, Mazumdar, J. (2020) Determining the physical vulnerability to cyclones using intelligent and spatial techniques. 4th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS), Xavier School of Human Settlements, Xavier University Bhubaneswar; February 2020,

Xavier School of Human Settlements, Xavier University Bhubaneswar

Prof. Annam Sai Kiran

Dandapat, S., Bhattacharyya, K., Annam, S. K., Saysardar, K., & Maitra, B. (2020). Policy interventions for COVID 19 and their impact on activity and travel in India: Present trends and future implications. Available at SSRN 3692901.

International e-Conference on Pandemics and Transport Policy

Prof. Prashant Prasad

, 2019, Perception of parents towards willingness-to-pay for improved service of shared modes for school transportation in Urban India,

WCTRS & IIT Bombay


Paul A and Sen J (2018). “Livability Cluster Development for Assessing Regional Competitiveness- a Case of Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA),” in Spatial Systems: Social Integration, Regional Development, and Sustainability, 12th World Congress of the RSAI, 2018, pp. 1308–1314

12th World Congress organized by the Regional Science Association International

Arpan Paul

Paul A, Banerjee A, and Sen A (2017). “A policy development framework for inclusive communities to achieve the desired livability,” in Joint Conference ISOCARP-OAPA: Smart Communities. Portland, USA: ISOCARP, pp. 258–269.

International Society of City and Regional Planners

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T., (2017, October 12-14), Strengthening Rural-Urban Linkages through District Planning Framework in India, Asian Planning Schools Conference,Tsinghua University, Beijing

Asian Planning Schools Conference

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

, 2016, Participatory Planning in the Age of Smart Cities in India,

International Society of City and Regional Planners

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T, (2015, November 19-21), Work or Walk? Road Space and Regime Politics in Kolkata, DAKAM Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center, Istanbul

DAKAM Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center