Author(s) Research Paper

Md Washim Raja

Raja, M. W., Allan, D., Bandyopadhyay, C. (2024) Musical retail therapy: toward a conceptual framework on the impact of musical elements on consumer mood, attention, and decision-making, Marketing Intelligence & Planning,

Siddharth Misra

Rambabu, K., Saravanan, K., Misra, S., Patil, S. R., Rao, M. S., Mishra, N., & Chaudhari, N. C. (2024). Internet of Things Driven Rule Based Management Model for Heterogeneous Environment. SN Computer Science, 5(5), 565.

Siddharth Misra

Jena, B.P., Choudhary, A., Pal, M.K. and Misra, S. (2024), "Job content plateau and career commitment: the mediating role of developmental i-deals and the moderating role of proactive personality", Evidence-based HRM, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., Dalal, A. Exploring the brand gratitude paradigm at BOP in the context of emerging markets. Int Rev Public Nonprofit Mark (2024).

Fazeen Rasheed A.K

Rasheed, A. K. F.& Balakrishnan, J. (2024). Innovating for retention: strategies for enhancing customer retention in theme parks. World Leisure Journal, May, 1–19.

Ashok Kumar Mishra

Mishra, A. K., Panda, P., Pradhan, S. K., Panda, A. K., & Smark, C. (2024). Uncertainties and Dynamic Connectedness Among Sectors: A Case of the USA, India, France, Germany and Russia. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 18(3), 168-201.

Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S. Das, A. and Dalal, A (2024) “Can the memory trail tell a story to anticipate the future panic buying behavior of elderly consumers? A mixed-methods approach” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior JCSDCB, Vol. 37 No. 1, pp. 202-233

Fazeen Rasheed A.K

T Ajith, N.& Rasheed, A. K. F. (2024). Investigating the switch from sanitary napkins to menstrual cups. Journal of Cleaner Production, 452, 142197.

Siddharth Misra

Mishra, L., Mishra, R. K., Swain, B., & Misra, S. (2024). Evolution of Bikalananda Kar Rasagola: a palatable process. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 17(1), 35-53.

Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S. and Bera, S.(2024) “Examining consumers m-wallet service brand choice decisions at the post-adoption stage: An empirical investigation”, Journal of Financial Services Marketing,

Sukanya Panda

Panda, S. (2024), "The role of employee ambidexterity on employee agility: a moderation analysis with employee organizational tenure", EB-HRM.

Gopal Krushna Gouda

Gouda G.K. and Tiwari B. (2024), "Modelling the barriers of talent agility in Indian automobile industry in the era of industry 4.0", Journal of Modelling in Management (Accepted) Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print

Anindya Pattanayak

Pattanayak, A. and Majhi, S.G. (2024), "Developing meaningful leadership in organizations: Evidence from a cross-case analysis in India", Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (ABDC-C, Scopus Indexed)

Subhajit Bhattacharya

Paul, P. and Bhattacharya, S. (2024). Impact of banking functions on online investment intention in India: Examining the mediating role of service experience. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 21(1), 131-145.

Gopal Krushna Gouda

Gouda, G.K. & Tiwari, B (2023). Dynamic nexus between smart HR 4.0 and innovation ambidexterity: A fuzzy-TISM and MICMAC approach, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. (Accepted) (Scopus, ABDC-B Quality Journal Listed; Impact factor- 4.2).

Rashmi Singh

“Police service in urban destination points: Does it promote urban destination advocacy among Tourists?”

Rupjyoti Saha

Saha, R., & Maji, S. G. (2023). Do green bonds reduce CO2 emissions? Evidence from developed and developing nations. International Journal of Emerging Markets.

Rupjyoti Saha

Maji, S. G., & Saha, R. (2023). Does intellectual capital influence banks efficiency? Evidence from India using panel data tobit model. Managerial Finance.

Rupjyoti Saha

Maji, S. G., & Saha, R. (2023). Female directors and firms’ financial performance: an empirical application of Kanter’s theory in the Indian context. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.

Anindya Pattanayak

Singh, P., Manna, J. S., Dey, P., Sarkar, S., Pattanayak, A., Nag, S., Pramanik, S., Saxena,K., Krishnananda, S. D., Dutta, T. & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2024). Dodecanogram (DDG): advancing EEG technology with a high-frequency brain activity measurement device.. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(1), 13-26.

Subhajit Bhattacharya

Dalal, A., Bhattacharya, S. and Chattopadhyay, S. (2023), "Ideating a framework for sustainable livelihood of handicraft producers at the bottom of the pyramid: a mix-method study from India", Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Subhajit Bhattacharya

Dalal, A., Bhattacharya, S. and Chattopadhyay, S. (2023). Hurdles to handicraft marketing for artisan entrepreneurs in an emerging economy. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,

Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S. and Bera, S.(2023). A PLS-SEM approach to investigating the effect of satisfaction on willingness to recommend m-wallet services. Global Business Review,

Anurag Bhadur Singh

A Bibliometric Survey on Sustainable Finance: Research Patterns and Trends (Singh, A.B.) Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 20, No. 10, 2023

Anurag Bhadur Singh

Singh,AB, (2023) METAVERSE THE NEXT RENAISSANCE OF FINANCIAL INCLUSION: SCIENTIFIC MAPPING AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS, Journal of Content, Community & Communication, Vol. 17 Year 9, September, 2023 [ISSN: 2395-7514 (Print), 1-22.


Plastic Warriors: a study on self-help groups contribution to economic, social value creation and sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Tamil Nadu, India Vilakshan - XIMB Journal of Management Emerald Publishing Limited e-ISSN: 2633-9439 p-ISSN: 0973-1954 DOI 10.1108/XJM-01-2023-0016

Anurag Bhadur Singh

Singh, A.B. (2023) What Constrains Financial Inclusion in India? A Study Concerning the Emerging Indian Economy, Productivity : A Quarterly Journal of The National Productivity Council, Volume 64 Issue 1 , (Apr-2023 to Jun-2023), DOI :

Anurag Bhadur Singh

Fatima, S., Tandon, P. & Singh, A.B. Current state and future directions of sustainability and innovation in finance: a bibliometric review. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (2023).

Gopal Krushna Gouda

Gouda, G.K. & Tiwari, B (2023). Unravelling the enablers of Industry 4.0 in Indian automobile industry: An integrated TISM and Fuzzy MICMAC approach, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (Scopus, SSCI, ABDC-A Quality Journal Listed; Impact factor- 3.8).

Siddharth Misra

Ramkumar, G., Misra, S., Babu, G. R., Gottimukkala, A. R., Siddi, S., & Kumar, J. S. (2023). Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing Production Line System Based on Digital Twin. SN Computer Science, 4(5), 563.

Anurag Bhadur Singh

Fatima, S. and Singh, A.B. (2023), "Design thinking in business, management and accounting: a bibliometric review and future research directions", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., & Dalal, A. (2023). Promoting brand gratitude through unique emotional connection: a qualitative study. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal.

Sandeep Kumar Mohanty

Mohanty, S.K. & Dash, P.C. (2023)"The Moderating Effect of Participation on Community Identity in Cultural Festivals: A Post-Pandemic Reality Check” Journal of Convention & Event Tourism (SCOPUS, ABDC B)

Sandeep Kumar Mohanty

Dash, A., & Mohanty, S. K. (2023) “The mediating effect of firms corporate reputation and sustainability practices in translating CSR into competitive performance in Indian ESG companies”, Society and Business Review (Accepted for Publication) (SCOPUS, ABDC B)

Rupjyoti Saha

Saha, R., & Maji, S. G. (2022). Board Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: Evidence from Family-Owned Firms in India. Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management, 6(2). 291-301

Anurag Bhadur Singh

Tandon, Jasuja, Singh, Jain, 2022, Financial Inclusion as a tool for achieving inclusive growth: Systematic Literature and Future Research Agenda, International Journal of Sustainable Economy, DOI: 10.1504/IJSE.2023.10049277

Anurag Bhadur Singh

Agnihotri, Malhan and Singh (2023) Emergence of Social Media as an antecedent of Employability: A PLS-SEM Approach, Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 16(5) May 2023, DOI: 10.17010/pijom/2023/v16i5/171226.


Bhattacharya, S. (2023). Hows and Whys That Lead to Online Brand Engagement. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management. 14(1), 1-21.


Gaur, P., & Singh, A. B. (2023). Market-based Financing Through Municipal Bond in India: Investor’s Checklist Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Business Perspectives and Research, 0(0).


DasGupta, R., & Mishra, S. (2023). Performance feedback and firms search behaviors: Role of corporate governance in companies around the world. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, ABDC (B), ABS(2), Scopus Q1

Rupjyoti Saha

Saha, R. (2023), "The impact of board-level female directors on firm performance: evidence from India", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Rupjyoti Saha

Saha, R. (2023), "Corporate governance, voluntary disclosure and firm valuation relationship: evidence from top listed Indian firms", Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Rashmi Singh

Singh, R. & Jena, L.K. (2023), “Holiday planning in Indian families: a dual path model linking family type and conflict resolution”, International journal of conflict management (Emerald),


Raja, M. W., Anand, S., & Allan, D. (2023). Effects of Ad Music Attitude on Ad Attitude, Brand Attitude, and Purchase Intention. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 35 (5), 486–501. DOI:


Dash, A., & Mohanty, S. K. (2023). Technology readiness and the older citizen’s acceptance of m-health services in India. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, 25(2), 169-183. (ABDC B)


Yadav, N., Singh, A. B., & Tandon, P. (2023). Volatility Spillover Effects between Indian Stock Market and Global Stock Markets: A DCC-GARCH Model. FIIB Business Review, 0(0).

Gopal Krushna Gouda

Gouda, G.K. & Tiwari, B (2022). Ambidextrous leadership: A distinct pathway to build talent agility and engagement, Human Resource Development International. (Taylor and Francis). Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print (Scopus, ABDC-B Quality Journal Listed; Impact factor- 6.3 ).


Yadav, M.P., Tandon, P., Singh, A.B. et al. Exploring time and frequency linkages of green bond with renewable energy and crypto market. Ann Oper Res (2022).


Ghosh, K. and Bhattacharya, S. (2022) “Investigating the Antecedents of Luxury Brand Loyalty for Gen Z Consumers in India: A PLS-SEM Approach”, Young Consumers,


Singh, A.B., Tandon, P. and Jasuja, D. (2023), "Does financial inclusion spur carbon emissions in India: an ARDL approach", Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 511-534.

Gopal Krushna Gouda

Gouda, G.K. & Tiwari, B. (2022). Mapping talent agility: a bibliometric analysis and future research agenda, Management Decision, 60(12), 3165-3187.. (Scopus, SSCI, ABDC-B Quality Journal Listed; Impact factor- 5.9).


Anurag B singh, 2022 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1057 012004, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1057/1/012004


Does Information Source Interact with Information Content and Valence in Influencing Employer Attractiveness and Job Pursuit Intention?”. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. 9(4), 724-747

Rupjyoti Saha

Saha, R., & Maji, S. G. (2022). Board human capital diversity and firm performance: evidence from top listed Indian firms. Journal of Indian Business Research, (ahead-of-print).

Anindya Pattanayak

J.A. Tuszynski, R. R. Poznanski, P. Singh, A. Pattanayak, L.A. Cacha, M.A. Jalil, M. Thabet, T. Dutta, and A. Bandyopadhyay (2022). The archetypal molecular patterns of conscious experience are quantum analogs. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 1(1), 41-53.


Ahamad, F., Saini, G. K., & Jawahar, I. M. (2022). Interactive influence of work–life balance benefits, employee recommendation, and job attributes on employer attractiveness and job pursuit intentions: two experiments. Asian Business & Management, 1-28.

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bera, S., Kumar, P. and Bhattacharya, S. (2022),"A study on how to achieve flexibility in healthcare process: a simulation-based approach", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Dalal, A., Bhattacharya, S. and Chattopadhyay, S. (2022), Revisiting supply chain drivers for greater marketing outcomes of handicraft sector, Emerald Publishing Limited

Siddharth Misra

Jha, N., Pereira, R., & Misra, S. (2022). Achieving organizational effectiveness of MNCs through People: evidence from India and Mozambique. Industrial and Commercial Training, 54(2), 357-376.

Prof. Abhimanyu Sahoo

Seshadev Sahoo, 2022, Does syndicate structure create value for initial public offerings? An empirical investigation for the Indian market, Emerald Publishing Limited, UK

Prof. Bala Subramanian R

Bala subramanian R, 2022, A Review of Theories in Gratitude Literature, Sapienza Universita Editrice, Italy

Prof. Bala Subramanian R

Manoj Gour, 2022, Managing Channel Partner Conflict: The Case of Z-Tel Mobile, India, Sage Publication, India

Gopal Krushna Gouda

Gouda, G.K. & Tiwari, B. (2021). Talent agility, innovation adoption and sustainable business performance: empirical evidences from Indian automobile industry, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 71( 6), 2582-2604. (Scopus, ABDC-B Quality Journal Listed; Impact factor- 3.3)


Johnson, A. F., Roberto, K. J., Black, S. L., & Ahamad, F. (2021). Neglected under the law: A typology of stigmatization and effective employment protections. Human Resource Management Review, 100873.


Mishra, S & Mishra S (2021) “Are Indian sectoral indices oil shock prone? An empirical evaluation”, Resources Policy, Volume 70, 101889. (Elsevier, ABDC-B, ABS-2)

Siddharth Misra

Showkat, S. and Misra, S. (2022), "The nexus between diversity management (DM) and organizational performance (OP): mediating role of cognitive and affective diversity", European Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 46 No. 1/2, pp. 214-238.

Prof. Anurag Bhadur Singh

ANURAG BHADUR SINGH , 2021, Antecedents and extent of Financial Inclusion: A cross-sectional Study, Associated Management Consultants, India

Prof. Rashmi Singh

Ranjan DasGupta, 2021, Antecedents of Firm's risk play-A structural equation modelling approach in an emerging market context, Australian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, Australia

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Subhajit Bhattacharya, 2021, Revisiting Marketing Management Teaching Pedagogy: A Study Based on the Voice of Indian Marketing Professionals, SAGE Publications

Prof. Bala Subramanian R

Choudhary, A., 2021, A Study of Power distance on Academic Mentoring, ROSS Smith, UK

Prof. Rupjyoti Saha

Rupjyoti Saha, 2021, Gender diversity and financial performance in an emerging economy: empirical evidencefrom India, Emerald Group Publishing, United Kingdom

Prof. Anurag Bhadur Singh

ANURAG BHADUR SINGH, 2022, Association between fund attributes and funds performance: a panel data approach, Emerald

Prof. Rupjyoti Saha

Rupjyoti Saha, 2021, Corporate governance and voluntary disclosure: evidence from India, Emerald Group Publishing, United Kingdom

Siddharth Misra

Itam, U., Misra, S., & Anjum, H. (2020). HRD indicators and branding practices: A viewpoint on the employer brand building process. European Journal of Training and Development, 44(6/7), 675-694.

Prof. Md Washim Raja

Raja, M. W., Anand, S., & Kumar, I. (2020). Multi-item scale construction to measure consumers’ attitude toward advertising music. Journal of Marketing Communications, 26(3), 314-327.

Dr. Manindra Narayan Nayak

Dr. Manindra N.Nayak, 2020, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016: A Study of Large Stressed Account, The Orissa Journal of Commerce

Prof. Abhimanyu Sahoo

Abhimanyu Sahoo, 2020, What Drives Derivatives: An Indian Perspective, MDPI AG, Switzerland

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mohanty, SK & Mishra. S (2020) “Regulatory Reform and Market Efficiency: The Case of Indian Agricultural Commodity Futures Markets”, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol 52, 101145 (Elsevier, ABDC-B, ABS -2)

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra, A & Mishra, S (2020) “Re-visiting long memory in global equity markets: An empirical analysis”, Global Business Review, doi:10.1177/0972150920966879 (Scopus, ABDC-C)

Prof. Ashok Kumar Mishra

Ashok Kumar Mishra, 2020, Re-visiting long memory in global stock market return, Sage

Prof. Md Washim Raja

Raja, M. W., Anand, S., & Allan, D. (2020). “How Ad Music Attitude-Based Consumer Segmentation Can Help Advertisers”. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 32(5), 383-399.

Siddharth Misra

Giri, D. S., Mundra, R., Gupta, A., Chakraborty, S., & Misra, D. S. (2019). Female Infanticides and Foeticides: A Cognizance or an Ignorance. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(3).

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Deb.S, Mishra.S. & Banerjee.P (2019) “Stock Market, Banking Sector and Economic Growth: A Cross Country Analysis over Different Economic Cycles”, Studies in Economics and Finance, Vol 36, Issue 3, pp 338-364., [Emerald, Scopus, ABDC -B, ABS-1]

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra.S. (2019) “Testing Martingale Hypothesis Using Variance Ratio Tests: Evidence from High Frequency Data Of Ncdex Soya-Bean Futures”, Global Business Review, Vol 20, No-6, pp1407-1422 [Scopus, ABDC -C]

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Ray.M, Sarangi,M & Mishra. S. (2019) “Public expenditure and economic development during different development stage: Regional Analysis of India”, Economic and Political Weekly Vol 54, No – 10, pp50-56. [Scopus, ABDC-B]

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra.S. & Dasgupta. R. (2019) “Cross-impact of leverage and performance: Developed versus frontier bank-based economies”, Managerial Finance, Vol 45, Issue 8, pp 982-1000. [Emerald, Scopus, ABDC –B, ABS-1]

Prof. Vijaya Batth

Dr. Bhagirathi Nayak, 2019, Machine Learning Finance : Application of Machine Learning in Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System for finacial recommendations, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Science Publications

Prof. Rashmi Singh

RASHMI SINGH, 2019, Destination attributes to measure tourist revisit intention: a scale development, GLOBAL BUSINESS REVIEW SAGE INDIA

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., 2019, Eliminating Thought Boundaries Through Fiction Movies and Books, SAGE Publications

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., 2019, What makes the Indian youths to engage with online retail brands:An Empirical Study, SAGE Publications

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., 2019, Modelling channel partners’ opinions to achieve value-based relationship: An Empirical study using RIDIT Algorithm, Emerald Publishing Limited

Prof. Md Washim Raja

Raja, M. W., Anand, S., & Allan, D. (2019). Advertising music: An alternative atmospheric stimulus to retail music. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 47 (8): 872-892.


Faiz Ahamad, 2019, Impact of word-of-mouth, job attributes and relationship strength on employer attractiveness, Emerald, United Kingdom

Prof. Rupjyoti Saha

Rupjyoti Saha, 2019, Does corporate governance influence firm performance? Evidence from India, Sciendo

Prof. Rupjyoti Saha

Rupjyoti Saha, 2019, Does Corporate Governance Influence Voluntary Disclosure? Evidence from India, Published By Universitas Pasundan Kampus 2, Indonesia

Prof. Rupjyoti Saha

Rupjyoti Saha, 2019, The Value Relevance of Corporate Voluntary Disclosure: Evidence from India, IUP Publications, India

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra.S. & Deb.S (2019) “Predictors of firm growth in India: An exploratory analysis using accounting information”, Cogent Economics and Finance, Vol-6, Issue-1 [Taylor and Francis Publication, Scopus, ABDC -B]

Prof. Vijaya Batth

Dr. Vijaya Batth , 2018, The Study of Financial Performance of Indian Public Sector Undertakings, Research India Publications

Prof. Rashmi Singh

RANJAN DAS GUPTA, 2018, Investor sentiment antecedents: A structural equation modeling approach in an emerging market context, EMERALD U.K.

Siddharth Misra

Mishra, S., Bag, D., & Misra, S. (2017). Venture capital investment choice: multicriteria decision matrix. The Journal of Private Equity, 52-68.

Siddharth Misra

Misra, S. and Panda, R.K. (2017), "Environmental consciousness and brand equity: An impact assessment using analytical hierarchy process (AHP)", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 35 No. 1, pp. 40-61.

Prof. Vijaya Batth

Dr. CA Vijaya Batth , 2017, Paradigm Shift in the Role of Independent Directors in Indian Public Sector Undertakings Using Data Mining Method, IJARSMT

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., 2017, Does Corporate Social Responsibility Contribute to Strengthen Brand Equity? An Empirical Study, Springer Publication

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., 2017, A RIDIT approach to evaluate factors influencing tourist destination brand selection behaviour pertaining to Indian tourism sector, Emerald Publishing Limited

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., 2017, An Empirical Study to Find the Roadmap for Understanding Online Buying Practices of Indian Youths: Online purchase behaviour of Indian youth buyers, IGI Global,USA

Prof. Bala Subramanian R

Subramanian, B. R., 2017, SR software and its entrepreneurial attempt in a franchisee model of business. 13(3), 21-42. , RossiSmith Academic Publishing, Oxford/London, UK

Dr. Manindra Narayan Nayak

Manindra N. Nayak, 2016, Skill Nurturing in Management Education Evaluation Methods: An Emparical Analysisthrough , Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi, India

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra.S. (2016) “Technical analysis and risk premium in Indian equity market: a multiple regression analysis”, IUP Journal of Applied Economics Vol. XV, No. 1, pp. 51-68. [ABDC - C]

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra.S. (2016) “Macro-economic factors and foreign direct investment in India: a Toda Yamamoto causality approach”, International Journal of Economics and Business Research, Vol 11, No. 3 pp 195-208. [Scopus, ABDC- C]

Prof. Rashmi Singh

RASHMI SINGH, 2016, Monotony of social networking among millennial and its effect on social advertisement: a challenge to digital marketers, EMERALD, UK

Prof. Rashmi Singh

RASHMI SINGH, 2016, Effect of Family Environment on Adolescent Compulsive Buying: Mediating Role of Self-Esteem, Asia Pacific

Prof. Rashmi Singh

RASHMI SINGH, 2016, Parent-Adolescent Conflict and Choice of Conflict Resolution Strategy: Familial Holiday Planning, EMERALD, UK

Prof. Vijaya Batth

CA Vijaya Batth , 2016, The Effect of Independent Directors on Corporate Governance : Using Association Rules of Data Mining Techniques, Infogain Publication, India

Prof. Vijaya Batth

CA Vijaya Batth, 2016, Role of Independent Directors in the Changing Business Scenario in India , IJSRM, India

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., 2016, An Empirical study on the factors affecting WOM communication for branding a tourist destination, University of the Aegean,Greece

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Das, R. , 2016, Retrieval Architecture with Classified Query for Content Based Image Recognition, Hindawi,USA

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., 2016, An Empirical Study on the Factors Affecting Online Retail Brand Connection and Purchase Intention: An Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling, Utara Malaysia University , Malaysia

Prof. Subhajit Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, S., 2016, Achieving distribution equity through emotional functionalities and value based bonding: An analysis with structural equation modelling, Routledge Publications

Prof. Bala Subramanian R

Bala subramanian R, 2016, Women Leadership in Organization2016, IIM Indore, India

Prof. Anurag Bhadur Singh

ANURAG BHADUR SINGH, 2016, Impact of Key Macro-economic variables on Movement of Indian Stock Market with reference to BSE Sensex, Associated Management Consultants, India

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra. S, 2015, Test of Persistence in Indian Equity Markets: A rescaled range analysis, IUP Journal of Applied Finance Vol.21, No. 4, pp-05-17

Prof. Rashmi Singh

RASHMI SINGH, 2015, Mediating Role of Stress between Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction among the Police Officials: Moderating Role of Social Support, EMERALD, UK

Prof. Rashmi Singh

RASHMI SINGH, 2015, Life Stressors and Compulsive Buying Behaviour among Adolescents in India: Moderating Effect of Gender, EMERALD, UK

Prof. Rashmi Singh

RASHMI SINGH, 2015, Adolescent health, education and social media: An exploratory study in India., INDIA

Prof. Vijaya Batth

Dr. Bhagirathi Nayak, 2015, Association Rule Mining using Apriori algorithm for work - related beliefs of Generation X and Generation Y, IJSRM, India

Prof. Bala Subramanian R

Bala subramanian R, 2015, Why Happiness is Critical for Individual Performance?, IIM Shillong, India

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra. S, 2014, A study on relation between India VIX and Nifty Returns, Intercontinental Journal of Banking Insurance and Finance Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp-01-07.

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra. S, 2013, Microfinance: A Tool for Poverty Alleviation,American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences,Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp-236-238., -

Prof. Bala Subramanian R

Subramanian R, B., 2013, Factors influencing disintegration of informal networks in organizations. , SRCC, India

Prof. Anurag Bhadur Singh

Arpita Khare, A MISHRA, ANURAG B SINGH 2012, Indian customers’ attitude towards trust and convenience dimensions of internet banking , Inderscience Publishers, USA

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra. S, 2010, Performance of Indian Capital Market-An Empirical Analysis”(2010), European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Issue 23, .

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra. S, 2010, Stationarity of Stock Return Series: The case of India” (2010), European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.-44, Issue-4, Pg 596-601, .

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra

Mishra. S, 2009, Foreign Direct Investment: A comparative study of India and China”, Search , A journal of Arts, Humanities & Management, Vol 1, ISSN 0974-5416., .

Dr. Basanta Kumar

Basanta Kumar, 201, Reform in the Indian real estate sector: an analysis, Emrald Publishing, UK