Author(s) Research Paper

Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T (2023) Planning and Development of Smart Cities: A case study of Bhubaneswar, Institute of Town Planners India Journal, 20 (2), 69-79

Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T (2023), Envisioning a data-driven people-centric urban agenda, Urban Update, VIII (IX), 14-15

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T (2021), Capacity building key to localise SDGs in India, Urban Update VII (V) 36-37

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

Roy, S and Chatterji, T, (2021), The Pandemic and Reimagining the Urban through the Lens of Progressive State Responses, Social Scientist, 49 (3-4) pp 45-55

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

Chatterji, T (2020), Localisation of Global Sustainability Goals through Urban Local Bodies and its Governance Dimensions, Institute of Town Planners India

Arpan Paul

Sen J and Paul A (2020). Mission of Livable Cities - Planning of Metropolitan Regions: A case of Kolkata Urban Agglomeration. Institute of Town Planners, India Journal, Vol-17 (January - March), pp. 61-67, ISSN:0L503573 7-9679