Name(s) Conference Title Venue/Organization


India@100 – Pathways towards a more humane future

Centre for Humanities and Compassion Studies, XIM University

Prof. Nalin Ranjan

2021, Infrastructure networks and delivery processes,

Xavier University

Prof. Prashant Prasad

2019, 4th Annual Research on Cities Summit/Cities for People: Policies, Plans and Programs,


Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

2019, Track - 2: Planning for balance - besides the megacity,

ISOCARP - International Society of City and Regional Planners

Prof. Mayank Dubey

2018, Annual research on Cities Summit (ARCS 2), 2018,

XUMG, Xavier University Bhubaneswar

Prof. Tathagata Chatterji

2017, Smart Sustainable and Inclusive Cities,

Xavier Centre for Urban Management and Governance

Prof. Mayank Dubey

2017, ‘Smart City: Sustainable Urban Development’,

XUMG, German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH), Heidelberg Centre South Asia (HCSA)

Prof. Nalin Ranjan

2017, (Coordinator) Annual NOSPlan Convention - 2017,

Amity University