Assistant Professor I of Economics
Phone: 0674-2373358
Teaching & Research Publications Achievement Conf/Training/Seminars Advisory Positions Admin Responsibilities Education
- Managerial Economics
- Micro Economics
- Macro Economics
- Economics for Public Policy
- Indian Economy
- Business Environment
- Business law
- Consumer Behaviour
- Principles of Management
- Entrepreneuship Development
- A design Patent " Solar Kettle" has published and granted by Controller General of Patents, Design and Trade Marks IPR Government of India 15 November 2023 with Journal No 46/2023 and Journal Date 17 Nov 2023.
- Research paper on “Role of Intangible Ways in Motivating and Appreciating Employees: An Empirical Investigation” published in the Web of Science Journal Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior bearing ISSN No 2395-6852 in Volume 14 No 1 2023.
- Published a case study on “Employee Attrition and Retention Strategies at Global Telecom ” in AIMS JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Listed with J-Gate in UGC-CARE Journals Under Group I: Journal ID – 101024195 in Volume 9, No. 1, July 2023.
- Published a patent titled “A Smart System for Producing Potable Water from Sea” dated 18 November 2022 bearing application no 202231065008.
- An article published in ICFAI Journal- “MBA Review” in the month of August-2009 named “The Global Economic Meltdown- an Analysis”
- A research paper “Economic Reforms in India: Focus on FDI & Economic Growth” is published in the ‘Splint International Journal of Professionals’ ISSN 2349-6045 Vol-II, No-6, in the month of June 2015.
- An article “on ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan–Dhan Yojana: A great leap towards Financial Inclusion’” published in ORISSA ECONOMIC JOURNAL (Refereed) Jan – June 2015 Vol.47 No1 bearing ISSN No- 0976-5409.
- Research article on “Foreign Direct Investment: A Paradigm Shift in FDI Retailing Perception” published in the International Journals of Computational Engineering Research (Peer Reviewed with Impact Factor 6.41) bearing ISSN No- 2250-3005 Vol 06 Issue 03 dated on March 2016.
- Research article on “FDI in India and Regulatory Environment: Is it Really Conducive in Current Business Scenario?” Published in the International Journals of Engineering Research and Application (Open Access) bearing ISSN No- 2248-9622 Vol 06 Issue 12 dated on December 2016.
- A research paper “Investment Climate and Foreign Direct Investment in India: The mediating role of Ease of doing business” published in the International Journal of Current Trends in Science and Technology (OAJI) Vol-7 Issue 8 August 2017.
- Research article on “Economic Reforms and Policies of the Government and its impact on Transformation of Indian Economy” published in the International Journals of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (Referred Journal with Impact Factor 2.80) bearing ISSN No- 2319-6564 Vol 41 Issue 16 April 2017.
- A research paper entitled “The FDI and Growth Sustainability in India: An Empirical Analysis” published in BIZCRAFT – Journal of Faculty of Management Science in Vol 11, No 2 of September 17- February 18 issue bearing ISSN NO: 2231-0231.
- Research article on “Developmental Policies of the Government and its impact on Economic Transformation: an Indian Perspective” Published in the International Journals of Engineering and Science Invention bearing ISSN No- 2319-6726 Vol 08 Issue 07 dated on July 2019.
- A research paper titled “Women Empowerment through Self-Help Group Members of Kenderapada District in Odisha- A Case Study” published in Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Engineering e-ISSN: 2581-7647 Volume-7, Issue-2 (May-August 2021)
- Published a case study on “Performance Appraisal Practices: Reflections from HR Head” in AIMS JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Listed with J-Gate in UGC-CARE Journals Under Group I: Journal ID – 101024195 in Volume 7, No. 1, July 2021.
- Music Listening and Singing
- Watching News channels
- Meditation