Cinque Terre

Associate Professor of Human Resource Management

Phone: 0674-2373623

Teaching & Research Publications Achievement Conf/Training/Seminars Advisory Positions Admin Responsibilities Education


Principles of Management; Organisational Structure and Design; Human Resource Planning; Building Learning Organisation; Recruitment, Selection and Hiring; Talent Management; Performance Management; Learning and Development; Organisational Effectiveness and Change.


HRM and Sustainable Development Goals ; Self-steering, Self-organizing Teams and Leadership ; Job Crafting; Job Insecurity ; Millennial's and work ethics ; Return on Investment in HR Programs ; Sustainable HR through Disruptive Leadership ; Attitude and Productivity ; Joy at Work ; Workplace Persuasion ; Employee Retention and Leadership Challenges ; Abusive Supervision ; Performance in Multi-tasking Environment ; Stress and Coping ; Meaningful Engagement. Ongoing Doctoral Research Engagements: * Ph.D guide of Ms.Bhawana Pal (XUPH17001) on the topic “Public Service Motivation (PSM) - Analysis of a Construct and Scope for Future Research” * Ph.D co-guide of Mr. Debaraj Das (XUPH18003) on the topic “Who cares about your smile?” – Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of Emotional Labor” * PhD. co-guide of Ms. Rainy Rose (XUPH17012) on the topic “Public Relations: Measurement and Evaluation” * PhD. co-guide of Subhrata Subhadarsini (XUPH17015) on the topic “Public Relations and CSR Communication” * PhD. co-guide of Ms. Katyayani Singh (XUPH18004) on the topic “Do combinations accept panacea? Exploring antecedents and consequences of psychological capital and its impact on employees during mergers and acquisitions” * Doctoral TAC Member of Ms. Saswati Tripathy (XUPH16016) at XAHR on the topic "Will Doctors’ Turnover Intentions decrease through Job Crafting? The Moderated Mediation role of Perceived Flexibility and Meaningful Work" * Doctoral TAC Member of Ms. Moitreyee Paul (XUPH1407) at XAHR on the topic "Role of Workplace Spirituality on Psychological Capital and Professional Well-being among Academicians: A field experiment in Indian higher education" * Thesis Advisory Member of Shri. Arjun Shrestha working on the topic "Workplace Spirituality in Eastern Context", School of Management, Kathmandu University, Nepal. * Doctoral academic advisor for Ms. Pragnya Sambit Acharya (XUPH19003), Ph.D Scholar, XAHR (2020 - ongoing) * Doctoral Academic advisor for Mr. Abhishekh Gupta (XUPH 2002), PhD. scholar, XAHR (2020 – ongoing)


Travelling and exploring new places; Solving cross words; Reading novels; Listening old hindi songs.