Cinque Terre

Professor of Marketing

Phone: +91-674-6647994

Teaching & Research Publications Achievement Conf/Training/Seminars Advisory Positions Admin Responsibilities Education

Administrative Responsibilities

  1. Founding Chairperson, Centre for Business & Society, XIMB ( 2020-2023)
  2. Co-ordinator, Harvard Business School Club- XIMB hosted 'INCLUSIVE INDIA FORUM'-2016
  3. Advisory Committe Member, Harvard Business School - NBS workshop- Harvard University, Boston, MA, June, 2014 
  4. Founder- Co-ordinator, 'Centre for Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Corporate Social Responsibility' (CRRCSR) ( 2010- 2020).The Centre offered India's first one year course on management of resettlement, rehabilitation and corporate social responsibility- which received a special mention by Aspen Institute, USA.
  5.  Organized the first National CSR Conference, February, 2012 jointly with Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) 
  6. Co- organized International Conference on Development Induced Displacement, jointly with TISS and XLRI.
  7. National workshop on 'Corporate- NGO partnership in Mining'. May 4. 2013.
  8. Member, Placement Committee (2013-2023) 
  9. Member , Entrepreneurship Development Centre ( 2011- 2020)
  10. Member, Incubation Centre, ( 2012-2020)
  11. Co-ordinator, Library Services (2010-11)